Easterseals assists members of Congress and their staff, White House and federal agency officials, and representatives of other national interests -- as well as citizens like you -- to understand and act in support of policies and programs that help people with disabilities to live with equality, dignity and independence.

Easterseals' legislative efforts focus on health care, early intervention, child care, education, employment, housing, supports for older Americans, recreation, assistive technology, transportation, and nonprofit organization operations.

You Can Help!

Join Easterseals today in educating and informing public officials about issues that affect individuals with disabilities. As part of the greater Easterseals network of affiliates, we are interconnected to help individuals live a full life and help them thrive, no matter what stage of life they’re in. We stand together as many of our network depend on federal funding for their operations.

View Easterseals action alert below and contact your legislators now!

Due to gaps in insurance, Medicaid, and Early Intervention reimbursements, we rely on private donations to make sure our services are accessible and available to as many children as possible.

We also advocate for families in our communities. Our advocacy efforts include opposing actions and legislation on federal funding cuts and restrictions to Medicaid. Such actions are harmful to the individuals we serve and the organizations with which we partner. Medicaid is currently underfunded and does not adequately meet the needs of individuals with disabilities and their families. 

In Illinois: 

- Medicaid covers 3 out of every 8 children and 1 in 3 individuals with disabilities. 

- It is the largest payer of behavioral health services, providing access to critical mental health and substance use disorder services that are often not covered by private insurance. 

- Medicaid is the primary source for long-term care and healthcare for older adults and individuals with disabilities, as private insurance frequently does not cover certain services or the full costs. 

We urge you to tell Congress that Medicaid is a lifeline for people with disabilities! Federal lawmakers need to understand how Medicaid supports you and your family and the significant impact that reduced funding or services would have. They need to be aware of issues such as waiting lists and the challenges of navigating insurance battles.

Here are resources to get started:

  • Tell your story! You can use the worksheet (pictured below) to help lawmakers understand how Medicaid helps you live the life you want.

advocacy alert with storytelling examples

  • ANCOR, community options and resources has made it VERY easy to send a message to our US Senators and Representatives. Click here.

  • Make three phone calls to your federal legislators. You have three Federal legislators who will make decisions about cuts to Federal Medicaid spending.




llinois Council on Developmental Disabilities: 
Visit the ICDD Website

The ArcVisit their Medicaid Advocacy Resources

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