Below is a list of common questions we hear at Easterseals, and their answers. If you have another question or would like to request more information about Easterseals, feel free to use our online form to contact us. Thanks for your interest!
What is Easterseals?
Easterseals Eastern Pennsylvania has had a presence in the community since 1924 providing services to support children and adults with a range of physical and cognitive disabilities, autism and other social, sensory and developmental delays – and their families.
Easterseals Eastern PA annually provides services to 3,000 children and adults in a seven-county region that encompasses Berks, Carbon, Lehigh, Monroe, Northampton, Pike and Schuylkill Counties. Our administrative offices are located in Allentown and we have a center in Reading where we provide outpatient therapy and specialty medical clinics. The majority of the programs and services we provide take place in the community versus in our own facilities.
Easterseals Eastern Pennsylvania is one of 69 affiliates operating independently under the Easterseals name. Each affiliate provides top-quality, innovative services tailored to meet the specific needs of the people in their community, ensuring that the needs of children and adults with disabilities are met with services and supports to help them live, learn, work and play in their communities.
What types of services does Easterseals Eastern Pennsylvania provide?
We provide Early Intervention services for children starting at birth and provide free developmental screenings through our Make the First Five Count program to ensure early identification of potential delays when it is most critical. We offer Autism Diagnostic Clinics, ABA Therapy Coaching for parents of children with autism, Camp Lily summer day camps, Growing Green overnight summer camp, recreation programs for teens and young adults, and community supports/habilitation for adults. At our center in Muhlenberg Township, we provide outpatient occupational, speech and physical therapy, as well as specialty medical clinics featuring medical and surgical specialists from Philadelphia and the surrounding area.
Are Easterseals services limited to specific types of disabilities?
No. Easterseals is committed to caring for children and adults with physical and mental disabilities and special needs resulting from any cause -- whether diagnosed at birth or incurred through disease, accidental injury or the aging process.
How many people receive Easterseals services each year?
Easterseals Eastern PA annually provides services to 3,000 children and adults in a seven-county region that encompasses Berks, Carbon, Lehigh, Monroe, Northampton, Pike and Schuylkill Counties. Nationally, Easterseals affiliate organizations serve more than one million individuals.
How is Easterseals supported financially?
Easterseals Eastern Pennsylvania receives funding for services from a variety of sources, including private insurers, government agencies and fee-for-service. To make our services accessible to as many people as possible Easterseals also relies on public contributions. Public contributions help cover the difference between actual program costs and what our clients can afford. Our work is supported by donations from individuals, businesses, corporations, foundations and agencies like the United Way.
When you make a gift to Easterseals Eastern Pennsylvania, 100% of your donation stays in your community, helping your friends and neighbors who rely on our services.