Stories of Hope

Meet Alex

SOH Alex Alex began weekly speech therapy services with Easterseals just before his second birthday. At the start of therapy, he was babbling occasionally and using three signs consistently to communicate with his family. He was not independently producing sounds or words, following one-step directions or identifying objects and people. After six months of therapy, his communication skills are flourishing.
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Meet Antonio

SOH Antoni0 Antonio has cerebral palsy and he has benefitted from a variety programs at Easterseals, including outpatient therapy, neurology and orthopedic clinics, and the equipment loan program. With a lot of hard work, he is becoming more independent and achieving the milestones that often come easy to a typical child.
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Meet Benny

SOH Benny Benny is a smart, fun-loving five year old with cerebral palsy who is benefitting from Easterseals outpatient therapy services. When he first started coming to therapy, Benny was shy and not always cooperative. Now he can’t wait for the days he gets to come to therapy. Read more about his drive to achieve his goals and aspirations.
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Meet Chasity

SOH Chasity Chasity has been attending Easterseals Camp Growing Green, our overnight camp, for six summers. At first, she was reluctant to go to camp because she had never stayed away from home by herself. However, Chasity soon discovered that she is more self-sufficient and independent than she realized.
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Meet Ezra

SOH Ezra Ezra benefits from a variety programs at Easterseals, including Early Intervention, outpatient therapy and the equipment acquisition program. Every week, his mother and his therapists see him developing, learning and becoming more independent.
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Meet Harrison

SOH Harrison Harrison has autism and he has benefitted from a variety programs at Easterseals, including occupational therapy, speech therapy and early intervention. With a lot of hard work, he is becoming more independent and achieving new milestones every week.
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Meet Leah

Story of Hope Leah Leah was born with Joubert Syndrome, a rare condition characterized by underdevelopment of the cerebellum, low muscle tone and delayed development and speech. She began receiving our early intervention services just after her first birthday. Every week, her parents see progress and continue to set new milestones for her development.
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Meet Lexi

Story of Hope Lexi Lexi is lively and energetic and thrives on events and activities. She is always planning and looking forward to the next thing on the calendar. Among her favorite activities are two Easterseals programs: Camp Lily and Saturday Respite. According to Lexi’s mom, “I have always known that the phrase — it takes a village to raise a child — is true. Easterseals is a very important part of Lexi’s village. It takes a lot to support a typical child. It takes more to support a special child. Not everyone has the gift of being able to support children like mine. I am so grateful that Easterseals is there for Lexi.”
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Meet Lilly

SOH Lilly Lilly is a bright, independent nine-year-old who attends Camp Lily. She is a true camp ambassador who draws everyone into the fun. Lilly’s mother attributes this confidence in part to how comfortable and secure Lilly feels at camp, which she describes as a home away from home.
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Meet Parker

Story of Hope Parker Today Parker is active and curious and loves playing baseball, but this was not always the case. Parker has cerebral palsy, which affects one side of his body including his arm and leg. As a preschooler, he walked up on his toes on one side and did not like trying new things. Then he enrolled in Physical Therapy at Easterseals outpatient clinic in Reading.
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Meet Peyton

SOH Peyton Peyton was completely nonverbal at age two when she began receiving speech therapy and occupational therapy from Easterseals. Today, she is independently speaking and communicating, engages more with people and can clearly make her needs known.
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Meet Renna

SOH Renna Renna is a sweet four-year old who is curious about the world around her. However, she was not reaching key milestones typical for a child her age. Her mother turned to Make the First Five Count for support and now Renna is on the path to being kindergarten ready.
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Meet Sahar

SOH Sahar Sahar is an inquisitive, energetic child who is quick to learn. After she was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and a speech delay, her parents were eager to find the right supports to get Sahar where she needed to be before starting kindergarten.
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Meet Sam!

SOH Sam Through Easterseals Autism Diagnostic Clinic, Sam received an evaluation quickly and had the diagnosis needed to receive services. As his mother states, the diagnosis did not change the complexities of his autism, but it did get him started on the journey of treatment so he could live his best life.
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Meet Zai'Den

SOH Zaiden Zai’Den benefits from Easterseals Early Intervention services, outpatient therapy and specialty medical clinics. He is developing the physical, social, communication and life skills necessary to participate in daily routines with his family and to enter preschool with his peers. While there will be challenges ahead, Zai’Den and his family are approaching the future with excitement and anticipation.
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