We bring top-quality medical and surgical specialists from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, St. Christopher's Hospital for Children and other premier healthcare organizations to our community so that your child can receive specialized care close to home.
Clinics offered - Berks County
Autism Diagnosis
Clinics offered - Lehigh, Northampton, Carbon, Monroe and Pike Counties
Autism Diagnosis
Please note
Some clinic services are available using telemedicine technology.
A Spanish translator is available for appointments when needed.
Clinics are offered at no cost to families because they are underwritten by the United Way of Berks County and the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
Holistic approach to care
Our onsite Clinic Coordinator serves as a liaison between the primary care physician, the family and clinic physicians. Additionally, the Clinic Coordinator takes a case management approach to each child and family offering community referrals when needed.
For more information, contact:
Lyzann Perez Alicea, Clinic Coordinator
610-775-1431 x407