Easterseals provides services for young adults who are transitioning from childhood to adult life. Whether preparing for the next step after high school, seeking employment or making friends and having fun in a social setting, Easterseals offers a variety of innovative and exciting programs to help young adults reach for and realize their full potential.
LEAP is a 5-week comprehensive employment preparation experience for youth with disabilities, who attend school and are eager to work and earn a paycheck. It combines workplace and independent living skills instruction with real work experience to provide participants with the skills they need to transition successfully into adulthood.
Community Supports
We offer individual and small group programming designed to empower young adults and adults with disabilities to live independent and rewarding lives in their community. Participants explore volunteer, recreation and educational opportunities to discover how they can connect to their community and peer network. The program provides the support they need to develop critical life skills, participate in community life and engage in satisfying activities of their own choosing. All services are provided in the community and scheduling is individualized based on participant needs. Easterseals now offers an activity fund to further enhance the experience.
Summer Camps
We offer two day camps, Camp Lily Berks and Camp Lily Lehigh Valley. We are dedicated to enriching the lives of campers through an atmosphere of caring, dedication, integration and acceptance. Offered in a series of one-week sessions from July through August, Camp Lily is jam-packed with fun, safe activities that are appropriate for kids age 8 through young adult.
We also offer an overnight camp, Easterseals Camp Growing Green, held on the beautiful campus of the Pocono Environmental Education Center in the Pocono Mountains. Overnight camp provides incredible opportunities for growth and development in a safe, nurturing environment staffed by Easterseals trained counselors. Growing Green runs for 6 weeks each summer and campers attend for one or more weeks. Campers must be at least 10 years old to attend.
Evening Recreation: October through May
Hang Time is an evening recreation program for ages 12 through young adult. It meets every Friday evening from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. from October to May. Activites take place at various locations in the community. Join us to spend time with friends and have a good time! Open to residents of Berks County.
Pre-registration is required for all of our programs. See the individual program pages to learn more and download application materials. To find out more, email Emily Gonda or call 610-289-0114 x209.