
Easterseals Florida provides accessible transportation services in two areas within Florida.

  • Brevard County: Easterseals Florida (ESF) operates an adult day training/life skills development program in Palm Bay. At this program, door-to-door, accessible transportation services to and from the program, Monday through Friday, is an option for participants. Transportation services are also provided to enrolled participants of the ADT Program for community exploration opportunities and work-related activities. ESF's trained professional and courteous drivers keep your safety at the forefront!
For more information about the ESF Palm Bay Program and Transportation, contact the center director, Neesha Harrack at, or 321-723-4474 ext. 13109.

  • Collier County: Easterseals Florida (ESF) operates an adult day training/life skills development program in Naples called LEAP (Life, Employment, Advocacy and Participation). This program provides transportation services into the community for enrolled participants of the LEAP Program. Participants can explore social and recreational opportunities, educational, life skills, and job-readiness opportunities. ESF drivers and instructors will provide you with a safe and enjoyable experience.
For more information about the ESF Naples LEAP Program and Transportation, contact the center director, Catrina Sanchez at, or 239-403-0366.

For any questions or concerns regarding Easterseals Florida transportation services, contact the transportation supervisor, Greg Sarazua at, or 321-723-4474 ext. 13117.

Below you will find Easterseals Florida's notification to the public on their "Rights under Title VI":

Notice of Public Rights

Complaint Procedure

Discrimination Complaint Form (English)

Discrimination Complaint Form (Spanish)

Discrimination Complaint Form (Vietnamese)

Discrimination Complaint Form (Haitian Creole)

Discrimination Complaint Form (Russian)

OP ADA – Grievance Procedure – Participant Form

OP ADA – Grievance Procedure

ADA Protocols Manual

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