We gratefully acknowledge the hard work accomplished by our Board of Directors. This dedicated group of volunteers willingly give their time, talent, and treasure to help ensure the success of Easterseals Capital Region and Eastern CT.
Executive Committee
Robin Sharp, President & CEO
Angela Nelson, Chairperson
David Verrone, Vice Chair
Curtis Looney, Secretary
Board Members
Philip Beaulieu
Dr. Bruce Chozick (ex-officio)
Jay Arcata
Dave Stevens
Laura Tordenti
Mike Monaco
Shari Greco
Merrit McDonough, Emeritus Member
Veterans Advisory Council
To ensure Easterseals Capital Region & Eastern Connecticut’s Veteran & Military Family Programs “hit the mark” and make a significant positive impact on the lives of veterans and their families, Easterseals has created a highly selective Advisory Council that will provide insight and recommendations for program development and related matters in the military arena.
Easterseals Capital Region & Eastern Connecticut
Executive Leadership Team
Robin Sharp
President & CEO
Kevin Brown
Execut Colonel, U.S. Army (Ret.)
President & CEO, Reach Solutions
Dr. Victoria Cassano
Execu MD, MPH, Captain MC U.S. Navy (Ret.)
Sean Connolly
J.D., Colonel U.S. Army
Former Commissioner, Connecticut Veteran Affairs
Francis J. Evon, Jr.
Major General, U.S. Army- Connecticut National Guard
Benjamin Neumon
Lieutenant Colonel U.S. Army- Connecticut National Guard
Cecile Fazio
Blue Star Mother
Manuel Meneses
Veteran Advocate - Congressman Courtney
Leesa Philippon
Gold Star & Blue Star Mother
Army Veteran
Thomas Saadi
Commissioner of Connecticut Veteran Affairs
J.D., Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army Reserves
Linda Spoonster Schwartz RN, MSN, DrPH, FAAN
U.S. Airforce Veteran
Commissioner CT Department of Veteran Affairs 2003-2014
Former Assistant Secretary of Veteran Affairs 2014-2017
Lori Marriott
Veteran, Captain U.S. Army
Senior Director of Military Services, Veterans Rally Point
Natalie Martinez
Veteran, U.S. Army
Veteran Outreach Program Specialist, Norwich Veterans Center
Mirca Reyes
Veteran, U.S. Navy
Veteran Transitional Housing Case Manager, New London Homeless Hospitality Center
Jim Reid
Veteran, USMC
Waterford Coffee House Coordinator
Doug Capazzi
Veteran, U.S. Army
Guardians of the Purple Heart
Eric Lamore
Veteran, USMC
Operations, Enterprise Builders
Vincent O'Neill
Colonel, U.S. Army (Ret.)
Senior Director Military Services, Veterans Rally Point
Ron Welch
Brigadier General, U.S. Army (Ret.)
Vice President, Military Services & Economic Development, Veterans Rally Point