Your generosity helps Easterseals provide help, hope and answers to people living with autism and other disabilities and the families who love them. Easterseals exceeds all of the Standards for Charity Accountability set by the BBB Wise Giving Alliance.
Your contribution makes it possible for Easterseals to offer services that help children and adults with disabilities achieve their goals and live more independent, satisfying lives.
With your generous support, we can provide the medical and vocational rehabilitation services that:
- convert disabilities to ability; and
- help children, youth, and adults return to school, to jobs, to life.
Easterseals is a sound investment. Learn more about the National Health Council's report in PDF format* which rated Easterseals first for allocation of program dollars.
There are many opportunities for individuals and businesses to help our patients and clients with tax-deductible contributions.
Annual Fund
Gifts are fully tax deductible and may be made at any time throughout the year. Memorial gifts are accepted. Checks should be made payable to Easterseals. Many employers offer matching gift programs to encourage employees to contribute to charitable organizations. Contact your Human Resources department to find out if your employer will match your gift to Easterseals.
Donate Online - When you give to Easterseals, almost $0.90 of every dollar is used to provide direct services for children and adults with disabilities.
To send a donation by mail, Download our Donor Form in PDF formatand when you have completed it send to:
Annual Fund
Easterseals Capital Region & Eastern Connecticut
100 Deerfield Road
Windsor, CT 06095
Planned Giving
A number of instruments exist to remember Easterseals in your will.
For more information on individual giving programs please contact Wendy Archer, Vice President of Marketing & Philanthropy at 860-270-0600 or contact us online.
Workplace Giving
Community Health Charities of Connecticut conducts its fundraising efforts through employee giving campaigns in companies throughout the state, and participates in both the Combined Federal Campaign and the CT State Employee Campaign. You may designate your contribution to go to Easterseals Capital Region & Eastern Connecticut.
Matching Gifts
And now you can double your gift! Many companies will match their employees’ contributions even those made by a spouse or retiree. Please ask your employer about matching gift procedures and be sure to include any necessary forms with your donation
Interested in sports? Call your friends and enter a team in our annual walk or volleyball marathon weekend. For something a little less daunting, how about taking a swing in our golf tournament? And for an intimate, sophisticated night on the town you are invited to our black-tie Crystal Ball. For more information on our events, visit our events page.
Event Sponsorships
Put& your company name in the public spotlight by supporting an event. Easterseals offers a wide variety of sponsorship opportunities for each of the four events highlighted on the Event page. Sponsorships range from top billing as the Presenting Sponsor to sporting your company logo on a Tee-Shirt. See the event listings on the events page.