Make your gift go further!
Donors supporting Easter Seals Iowa are now eligible to receive additional tax benefits through an endowed fund established at the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines. Endow Iowa allows Iowa taxpayers to receive a 25% Iowa tax credit in addition to normal federal charitable income tax deductions for certain charitable gifts.
Iowa legislation allows donors giving to a permanent endowment through a qualified community foundation to receive this tax credit, ensuring the future success of our community. The Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines is a qualified community foundation that provides access to Endow Iowa Tax Credits.
Donate online to the Camp Sunnyside Easter Seals Iowa Endow Iowa Fund or contact us at 515-289-1933. If you make an online gift, you will be redirected to the Community Foundation’s website to give to our endowed fund. We encourage donors to consult with tax advisors to review their individual circumstances.