We all want the ability to go where we want, when we want, whether it's at school, at work, at home or away. The Easterseals Rehabilitation Center's Assistive Technology Solutions division works to provide mobility independence for children and adults with disabilities.
We provide pediatric and adult mobility evaluations for walkers, manual wheelchairs, power wheelchairs, and complex power seating systems. Assessments are performed in the client's home to ensure equipment enhances daily living.
Seating in a comfortable, supported position is critical to individuals who spend their waking hours in a wheelchair or scooter. We utilize seating simulation, digitized pressure sensing, verbal and physical feedback to provide maximum seating comfort and function. The system is matched with the appropriate wheeled base, either manual or power propelled via switch, joystick, or sip-and-puff technology, based upon each individual's unique needs.
We contact the client's insurance to confirm authorization, and before delivery, we inspect the device and install accessories. Delivery and fitting includes a review of warranty coverage, our service and repair process, and verification that the client is comfortable and confident with the new equipment.
For more information, call 812.492.0659, email scheduler@evansvillerehab.com, or contact us online.
Last updated: February 2, 2024