We will provide high-quality care to our participants while observing high standards of legal and ethical conduct. The Ethics and Corporate Compliance Plan is based on our unifying principles, our mission, and our vision statements. It applies equally to everyone. The policies set forth in the Plan are mandatory and must be followed by all of us.
If you would like the most recent copy of our Ethics and Corporate Compliance Plan, please email info@laeasterseals.com
ESL embraces and measures itself against the following principles which guide us in the work we do:
Integrity: doing the right thing for the right reason, telling the truth, and providing a positive example of ethical and principle-based behavior.
Respect: honoring diverse backgrounds and exhibiting a high level of regard, courtesy, and commitment, to individuals’ dignity and rights.
Positive Relationships: building strong, healthy bonds with coworkers and encouraging responsible choice and self-determination in those we serve. We practice compassion, enthusiasm, active listening, clarity of information sharing, constructive problem solving, cooperative teamwork, and responsibility.
Innovation: questioning the status quo, building on current success, and offering new ways to improve the system of services as well one's performance.
Learning: committing ourselves to continuous quality improvement of self and task outcomes, advancing understanding and applying skills effectively.
Intent: the plan applies to all staff, officers, and representatives, including independent contractors, and volunteers of ESL.
The Plan was approved by ESL’s Board of Directors and is a formal statement of the Agency’s commitment to the standards and rules of ethical conduct.
ESL is committed to preventing the occurrence of unethical or unlawful behavior, stopping such behavior as soon as possible upon discovery, and disciplining employees who violate the Plan, including employees who neglect to report a violation. All employees must comply with this plan, immediately report any alleged violations of wrongdoing, and assist management and compliance personnel in investigating allegations of wrongdoing. Employees reporting suspected violations in good faith are protected from retaliation as “whistleblowers”.
ESL implemented a statewide stakeholder survey to obtain a baseline assessment of stakeholder feedback by gathering data on how stakeholders feel about ESL's service quality. For a full copy of our most recent stakeholder satisfaction survey, please email info@laeasterseals.com.
Annually, Easterseals Louisiana implements a statewide Participant Satisfaction Survey to obtain a baseline assessment of participant feedback by gathering data on how our participants feel about ESL's service quality. For a full copy of our most recent participant satisfaction survey, please email info@laeasterseals.com.
Employees must report to their supervisor or to the ESL Compliance Officer suspected violations by employees of applicable law, rules, regulations, or the Plan. Employees have the same reporting obligations for actual or suspected violations committed by a vendor or subcontractor of ESL.