...and I'm currently in my senior year of college having lived my whole life with a physical disability. I'm so grateful to be interning with such a historic organization and one that empowered me throughout my life.
Through my blogs, I hope to encourage people to educate themselves through conversation as well as give other disabled people an active voice in cultural expectations. My goal is not simply to report my observations, but to bring to light shared human experiences despite different political identities.
"Recently I had the pleasure of attending a virtual seminar called ``Mouth and Toes: The World of 19th-Century Silhouette Artists with Disabilities" hosted by the American Antiquarian Society. The seminar discussed 19th-century art from disabled artists. These artists were unable to use some if not all their limbs. they created art with the use of their mouths."
Read More"Among my peers, I've noticed a switch from 'person-first language' to 'identity first language.' The switch has allowed me to have a newfound acceptance about being a disabled woman in a world where being disabled is seen as something to be sad about rather than embrace."
Read More"They said I wouldn't go to college, and now years later, I'm graduating with my Bachelor of communication with a concentration in Public Relations in December."
The expectations around people with disabilities are changing rapidly, let's explore what you should know so you can plan for success!
Learn MoreEasterseals has been active in public policy advocacy since our found, Edgar Allen, lobbied the Ohio Legislature to fund appropriate services for children with disabilities in the 1920s. We continue to actively support and promote federal legislation that helps people with disabilities achieve independence.
The Massachusetts Office on Disability (MOD) was created in 1981 under Chapter 6, Section 185 of the Massachusetts General Laws. One of the goals of MOD is to increase awareness of the rights of persons with disabilities. It is our hope that this Disability Rights Laws booklet will be a helpful resource for people with disabilities as well as the larger community.
Working to ensure equal access for all voters. Easterseals strongly encourages everyone to vote and is a member of the Disability Voter Task Force.
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