After Timothy's Braille Notetaker, which he uses daily at his job, stopped working properly he needed a solution quickly. When he heard about our Assistive Technology Loan program, he reached out to our staff and was able to borrow a new Braille Notetaker while he determined which product would be best for him long-term. Click to read Timothy's full review of the program.
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After an injury left Chris Richards with chronic hip and back pain, he struggled to find employment. When he learned about Easterseals MA's Assistive Technology program through Mass Rehab Commission, he was eager to schedule an evaluation. Easterseals AT staff members visited his home and began helping Chris create a modified home office that fit his needs and ultimately allowed him to get a job working from home. Click to read his full story.
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Chris Richards is a story that unpacks so many of the modern elements of disability employment in Massachusetts. Chris's story touches on the importance of Easterseals services for people with acquired disabilities, the growth of job opportunities via telecommuting and assistive technology, finding new passions in response to disability (creative writing), and finally the catch 22 of receiving disability benefits and competitive employment.
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At a young age Cesar Rodrigues was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy which affects the skeletal muscles responsible for movement caused by a loss of motor neurons. Because he was an artist who originally used typical paint brushes and pencils, symptoms of his condition became an obstacle. After working with Easterseals, Cesar now has an custom build adaptive painting box where he is able to flourish as a local artist and break down barriers to employment!
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Andrew Pilkington grew up in Wayland, Mass. His parents discovered he had cerebral palsy when he was an infant, and he did not develop in the same way as other children his age. Andrew does not have full use of his fingers, arms or legs, but he uses a custom home editing suite of Easterseals adaptive equipment to work as an award winning filmmaker, editor, producer and writer!
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Entrepreneur, innovator, and most importantly disability advocate. Adriana Mallozzi has been receiving Easterseals’ services since she was a year old (initially in CT). Born with cerebral palsy, she is a quadriplegic wheelchair user. In 2005, Adriana came to Easterseals MA to get technology that would make her more independent at home. Easterseals Specialist, Eric, provided her with environmental controls that enable her to open doors and better use her computer to control appliances. Her story is truly inspiring!
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