In order to qualify for this program:
- The applicant must have a severe physical or mental impairment that limits their ability to function independently in the family or community. The disability must be substantial enough that the disabling condition(s) results in the individual’s inability to perform more than one major life activity without assistance. Major life activities are defined as seeing, hearing, speaking, walking, breathing, performing manual tasks, learning, caring for oneself, or working.
- The delivery of AT services and training will improve the ability to function, keep functioning, or more towards functioning independently in the family and community.
- The applicant meets financial eligibility requirements.
- Individuals must not have vocational, educational, or work goals that would make them eligible to receive assistive technology services from other Executive Office of Health and Human Services agencies, such as the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind, the Department of Mental Health, the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) or the Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
- Individuals who are 22 or younger must not have an educational goal that would make them eligible to receive assistive technology services through their school district.
The needs of all eligible individuals will be assessed. Proof of financial need may be required before equipment and training are provided. Some individuals may be required to pay for recommended equipment.
If you would like to refer yourself, or someone you care for, please click the button below to complete the online Referral Form.
MRC AT Independent Living Referral Form | ||
If you have questions about this program and how to apply, please leave us a message at 508-471-1400. We look forward to working with you!
Assistive Technology Affordable Financing Program
This program provides access to low-interest cash loans for the purchase of assistive devices and services to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities as well as assistance with obtaining AT devices. Click for more.
Assistive Technology Regional Center (ATRC)
People with and without disabilities and their families can see, touch, learn, and borrow assistive technology devices to make more informed decisions regarding the technology that will meet their needs. Click for more.