
All sessions begin and end promptly at their scheduled time, regardless of participant arrival. If you cannot attend a prescheduled session, please notify us as soon as possible by emailing the following:

Sessions are reserved in advance and cannot be filled by other participants in the event of absences. Please understand that the costs to manage programs and events remain the same whether you attend your prescheduled session or not. No refunds or makeup sessions are provided for participant cancellations. ESMA expects consistent attendance by participants at their regularly scheduled session. Missing more than two sessions per term may result in losing your regularly scheduled session for a subsequent term.

Attire & Footwear for the Equestrian Center & Hippotherapy

Sturdy, close-toed shoes are required by all who enter the barn for safety, including caregivers and siblings. ESMA Staff reserve the right to dismiss a participant from that day’s programming without a refund if safe footwear cannot be procured. Long pants and long socks are required for riding, as they help prevent painful chaffing for mounted students.

TBC Code of Conduct

All programming and events are held on our expansive, 22-acre campus surrounded by woods, horse paddocks with electrical fencing, and a pond. All buildings have multiple egress points, as such all participants must be able to safely remain engaged in programming with no more than 1:1 support. All participants and their respective parties must follow the TBC Code of Conduct while on campus. Inappropriate language, behavior, or any other activity by participants or their parties that threatens the well-being of others, including the animals, will result in dismissal from programming and the potential of TBC staff calling for assistance from emergency services. Refunds will not be provided for dismissed sessions.

Weather Cancellations

ESMA aligns with Bridgewater Public Schools for weather-related closings and delays. On days school is not in session all participants will receive an email if programming is cancelled.

Equestrian Center and Hippotherapy

Mounted activities will not occur during extreme weather that threatens the safety or well-being of the riders and herd. For example, riding will only occur within the 15°F-89°F range; otherwise, unmounted and/or alternative horsemanship lessons or therapy sessions will be offered. ESMA reserves the right to cancel lessons when deemed necessary.