Easterseals Transition services focus on assisting youth with disabilities achieve personal growth and develop skills that will help them navigate educational, community and career settings. Transition planning is a process that brings together a student and those individuals directly involved in helping the student prepare to enter a post-school environment. It is designed to ensure that the student will be provided with the necessary skills and services to make a smooth transition from school to adult life with as little interruption as possible. Easterseals offers assistance every step of the way.
Easterseals MA services and professional staff can meet your specific district and student transition needs, please contact: Nancy Mader, Director of Community Support Services,
nmader@eastersealsma.org | 617-226-2858
Learn more about how Easterseals can help set achievable goals around education, work and community living.
Easterseals MA offers individualized and comprehensive vocational assessments conducted by a career and placement professional.
Learn more about how Easterseals works with students with disabilities to develop valuable employment & transition skills to assist them in their journey to adulthood.