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Miracle League of North Oakland Highlights BIG Personality

On Saturdays at the Miracle League of North Oakland, Johnny and his teammates are the MVPs of the game. Johnny, who has Down Syndrome, gets to showcase his development and highlight his big personality, while playing the game he loves.

“He is a ham and loves being the center of attention,” Johnny’s father, John said. “The Miracle League has allowed my son to work within a team and have a desire to learn.”

In press box

  Shortly after Johnny began playing baseball with the Miracle League of North Oakland, John noticed that his son was learning how to better follow rules and he had increased confidence and interaction with others.

  “Johnny has learned how to work within the framework of a team,” John said. “He’s cheering for others, not just himself. He follows instructions from his coach and his buddy along with the recognition of some basic rules of the game.”

younger Johnny running bases in Lugnuts jersey

  However, the individuals who are playing aren’t the only ones that love the   opportunity that has been created for them. As a parent, John explained the joy that he has watching the impact that the Miracle League has on the community.

“The Miracle League allows my son to do all the things my other children have been doing,” John said. “He is now the focus participant and not just a cheerleader from the sidelines.”

The custom-designed venue incorporates a synthetic turf which accommodates walking assistance devices and gives children and adults the opportunity to play baseball like many of their peers.

Johnny’s father explained the joy he and his family experience during every game while watching Johnny play. The Miracle League allows families to sit back and watch their loved ones play baseball as they are matched up with “buddies” who assist them in playing every aspect of the game.

throwing ball while in blue jersey

 “My son loves baseball and it’s 10000% because of The Miracle League,” John said. “Every Saturday is like Game 7 of the  World Series, walking to the plate with theme music and hearing your name announced over a loudspeaker, followed by the  cheers of so many dedicated fans, is amazing.”

 The experience Miracle League provides for children and adults helps to increase an individual’s self-esteem, assist in making friends, less feelings isolation, and become more than an individual with a disability.

  “Sprint, don’t jog to Easterseals,” John said. “Easterseals provides services and programs that touch a broad variety of challenges and as an organization, they provide direction to serve and deliver impactful results. I can’t think of a better organization to be affiliated with.”

To lean more about The Miracle League of Michigan, visit www.michiganmiracle.org

johnny with dad kiss on cheeck b&w

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