Adult Services
Core Rehabilitation Services:
Employability Assessment Services: Gathering the information needed to answer the question, "Where do I go from Here?"
Employability Development Services: When the plan leading to employment includes further services, including Facility Based Work Adjustment Services, Community Work Adjustment Services or Job Placement Services.
Employment Services: A regular-assignment paid job in Easter Seals' industries. This service may be for a short time as the person prepares for community employment, or it may last as long as the need persists.
Non-Core Rehabilitation Services: Easter Seals offers services for the whole person, including transportation services, Literacy and GED services and referral services.
Non-Core Residential Services: Residential Services are for adults with developmental disabilities who reside either in their family home or who live independently in their own home or apartment. We provide Community Living Services and Community Access Services to maximize their independence and ensure each person has a meaningful life.