Medical Rehabilitation
Preventing, Diagnosing and Treating Disabilities
Unfortunately, Easter Seals Middle Georgia does not provide Medical Rehabilitation Services at this time. Please locate the nearest Easter Seals Medical Rehabilitation Services provider for any of the following services:
Medical rehabilitation focuses on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disabilities to help individuals live with greater independence. Easter Seals medical professionals work together to restore function lost due to temporary conditions such as lower back pain, or permanent disabilities, such as traumatic brain injury. Easter Seals also promotes quality of life for individuals with disabilities through education and prevention programs.
Learn more about medical rehabilitation.
Learn how to choose a medical rehabilitation provider.
Early Intervention
Early intervention is designed to help infants and toddlers work toward developmental goals at the time in their lives when they are most ready to learn and can most benefit from intervention. Qualified professionals work with children from birth to age 3 who are experiencing or are at risk for developmental delays to optimize development and achieve the highest possible level of functioning.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy services focus on enhancing or restoring mobility that may have been lost due to trauma, disease, aging or congenital abnormality. Easter Seals licensed physical therapists use exercise, therapy, assistive devices and special techniques to encourage independence at work, home, school and in the community.
Learn more about physical therapy.
Visit the American Physical Therapy Association.
Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy services focus on developing a child or adult's ability to perform activities of daily life, such as bathing, dressing and feeding, by enhancing or restoring function that may have been lost due to trauma, disease, aging or congenital abnormality. Easter Seals licensed occupational therapists promote independence in self-care, work and productive activities and play or leisure skills.
Learn more about occupational therapy.
Visit the American Occupational Therapy Association.
Speech and Hearing Therapy
Speech and hearing therapy services focus on enhancing or restoring communicative skills or swallowing capabilities lost due to trauma, disease, aging or congenital abnormality.
Learn more about speech and hearing therapy.
Visit the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.