Easterseals Midwest conducts various types of support groups for families. Our parent support groups provide opportunities for parents to know that they are not alone with the disability and that there are answers. The goal is twofold: to be professionally therapeutic so that a safe place is provided to express feelings, hurts and pressures with trained staff present as facilitators; and to provide a caring environment for family members to share experiences, discuss issues and explore solutions.
Meetings are held with parents to offer them the opportunity to ask specific questions regarding issues with which they are dealing. Parents are taught to use each other as resources to generate ideas and problem-solve about the challenges of teaching their children to develop a variety of social roles. Depending on attendance and diversity of experiences, these groups may split in to smaller sub-groups. Parents will walk away with new parent connections as well as shared knowledge to support their family member.
At your first support group meeting, you will be asked to complete a brief informational form.
Our sibling support groups provide opportunities for brothers and sisters of a child with autism to know that they are not alone and that there are answers. The goal is twofold: to be professionally therapeutic so that a safe place is provided to express feelings, hurts and pressures with trained staff present as facilitators; and to provide a caring environment for siblings to share experiences and discuss issues.
The dynamic of these groups is to provide a fun, motivating format for siblings of a child with autism that allows them to gain knowledge about the disabilities of autism, and teaches them how to better communicate with their siblings.