Easterseals offers an American Red Cross Adult and Pediatric CPR/First Aid (FA)/Automated External Defibrillators (AED) review and renewal course. A valid certification card for CPR/FA/AED will be required before being eligible to take this course. A certification valid for two years will be awarded after completion of the course. The course will be offered at the following Easteseals location:
Easterseals, Community Room at 299 Edwards Street, Youngstown
The cost for the class will be $45 per person. (Please note the increase in cost to members of the community necessitated by a raise in fees from the Red Cross) Please contact Gary Brooks, Easterseals LPN & CPR/FA/AED Instructor, at 330-599-5489 to register by 4:30 pm 7 days prior to class. Payment is due at time of registration. Class size is limited to 12 people, please call today to register.