When you give to Easterseals 100% of every dollar is used to provide direct services to children and adults with disabilities. Through a financial gift, you can help Easterseals create solutions that change the lives of people with disabilities and their families. Whether it's a child with special needs getting ready to take their first steps, a child who learns to say "I love you" to a parent for the very first time, or a child hears their mother’s voice for the first time, your contributions will truly make a difference.
• $30 will sponsor a child to enroll in an American Sign Language Class to learn to communicate with their parents who are Deaf
• $50 will sponsor a child to participate in our Teen Group at Easterseals, a social club for teens with disabilities and special needs
• $100 will help to enroll a child in our Kindergarten Readiness Program
• $250 will provide a senior with meals for entire month
• $500 will sponsor a child who is Deaf to attend our Summer Enrichment Program
• $1000 will sponsor a senior to attend our Adult Day Center for a month
• $2,500 will provide four months of Speech Therapy for a child to learn how to express their emotions through words.
For more information on how you can make a difference, please call the Easterseals Development Department at 330-599-5530.