Stories of Success

"It Could Change Your Way of Life"

on left wendell using assistive stairs, on right wendell driving truck Wendell A. Rohrer was a 63-year-old farmer in Nebraska when he was introduced to Nebraska AgrAbility. Wendell farms corn, alfalfa, soybeans, and prairie hay, and runs cow/calf pairs.
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AgrAbility program in Nebraska assists farmer with disability

modified van driving controls It was late 2000, when A.J. Peters, now 65, decided to blow leaves out of the gutters on his home in York. The York farmer finished one side of the house and started on the other when he stepped on wet leaves, slipped and fell from the roof onto the ground.
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Alternative Financing Program Benefits Elkhorn Family

The Alternative Financing Program is an outreach program that provides low interest rate loans to individuals with disabilities to purchase assistive technology devices such as wheelchair ramps, modified vehicles, braille equipment, hearing aids and many more items.
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Maine AgrAbility Helps Put Bill Hayes Back on His Feet

Bill Hayes and his wife standing in their greenhouse See how Maine's AgrAbility team helped Bill return to what he loves- farming.
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Our Miltary & Veterans Services

As the largest provider of disability-related services, Easter Seals offers military and veterans systems of care with viable options to support and augment current reintegration efforts.
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VIDEO: Renewing Hope, Restoring Productivity with Eric Beckman

Erick sitting at table telling his story Eric Beckman was injured in a truck rollover, which resulted in quadriplegia. AgrAbility, his family, and other supporters were able to help him get back into farming.
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Youth Rep is a 'One-of-a-Kind Kid'

Easter Seals 2013 Youth Representative Auburn Smith is a nationally-ranked tennis player and aspiring musician who loves to travel. This active high school sophomore doesn’t let a disability get in her way.
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‘I want to keep farming’: AgrAbility program makes it possible for farmer after multiple surgeries

Jacie and Heath Osborn pose on their Nebraska farm See how Nebraska AgrAbility client, Heath, overcomes his limitations with recommended assistive technology!
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