Nebraska Work Choice is about redefining disability, by changing attitudes and perceptions, dispelling myths and stereotypes and providing education that supports disability inclusion in the workforce. Nebraska Work Choice is changing the culture surrounding work and disability. Together, we can make a difference!
At Easterseals Nebraska, we:
We educate and collaborate for workforce success.
Easterseals helps Nebraska employers become comfortable, confident and competent in hiring and retaining individuals with disabilities. A variety of educational and referral options are available to connect employers with disability employment related resources regarding:
Training is available by webinar and on-site ranging from one hour, two hours, half days, and up to two days in length. Pricing varies depending on the number of attendees and training topics requested.
Nebraska Work Choice can also provide specialized training and continuing education for disability service providers, school systems, parents/guardians and other specialized groups regarding:
A greater understanding of the disability systems and state and federal work incentives means more informed choices and increased opportunities to reach self-sufficiency through work for Nebraska disability beneficiaries.
Inclusion benefits everybody.