Camping & Recreation
Easter Seals does not offer Camping and Recreation Services in the state of RI. However, our affiliate in NH offers two programs. Please see below to learn more about camping and recreation opportunities available to you via Easter Seals NH.
Easter Seals NH provides residential camping for children and young adults with disabilities and special needs.
Guiding our campers:
As a non-profit camping program, we have served children and adults for more than 30 years. We are dedicated to providing integrated recreational opportunities for campers of all levels. By providing a safe environment, we encourage our campers to challenge themselves to learn and grow, develop confidence and discover how much they can achieve.
Easter Seals campers enjoy all the traditional camp experiences including water sports, team sports, hiking, archery, arts & crafts and camp fire sing alongs in a fully accessible setting.
Easter Seals camping programs offer an exciting alternative to the boredom and isolation often experienced by children with disabilities during the summer months. It can also provide parents with much needed respite from year round caregiving.
Learn more about the camping opportunities provided by Easter Seals NH at:
Camp Sno Mo
Hidden Valley Reservation
Gilmanton Iron Works, NH