Young boy sitting on exam room table smiling at doctor while trying her stethoscope as his mom looks at him.Easterseals Southern California is committed to supporting people with developmental disabilities to shape their own futures in the months and years ahead.

Our advocacy efforts are designed to help empower, engage, and elevate the voices of people with disabilities, as well as their families, friends, and the dedicated professionals who provide them with essential support services.

How Medicaid Cuts Will Impact Disability Services

Easterseals Southern California is passionate about the issues that directly impact the people we serve, which is why we’re speaking out against the proposed cuts to Medicaid (referred to as Medi-Cal in California). These cuts could be detrimental to the essential community and disability services that many of our participants depend on.

With the support of our partners at ANCOR, we’ve compiled information to help you understand the potential impact of these cuts and how you can help.

What is Medicaid?

Medicaid (or Medi-Cal, as it’s referred to in California) is the government health program for low-income and disabled Americans that covers about 72 million people. The federal government funds the majority of Medicaid Spending. 

Medicaid operates as a partnership between states and the federal government to fund crucial health care services.

What is currently happening with Medicaid?  

As of February 25, 2025, the House of Representatives passed a budget resolution that would require $2 trillion in federal savings. While not yet signed-off by the Senate, the proposed budget resolution could significantly impact Medicaid.  

Why does this matter?

Medicaid insures one in five Americans. That’s 72 million people. Medicaid cuts could severely impact the services that millions of people depend on, including those who rely on Intellectual and Developmental Disability (I/DD) programs.

When federal Medicaid funding is reduced, states must find new funding to balance the shortfall in state budgets. If new funding cannot be found, community-based services for people with I/DD are often reduced, leading to longer waitlists for HCBS and higher rates of unnecessary institutionalization.

Who will be impacted by Medicaid cuts?  

Reforms to Medicaid financing will have the impact of cutting I/DD programs. Even if not specifically targeted to disability services, reductions to Medicaid funding will have a negative impact on state budgets. State budgets unable to absorb these drastic budgetary shortfalls will likely look to cutting optional services first, such as community-based services for people with I/DD.

In California, Medi-Cal plays a significant role in funding developmental disability services by providing coverage for a portion of necessary care through a dedicated "Developmental Disability Waiver.” This allows individuals with developmental disabilities to access various services like home-based support, therapy, and specialized equipment.

In summary, these cuts would:

  • Shift Medicaid costs to states, forcing them to cut provider rates or reduce essential services to balance their budgets.
  • Jeopardize access to community-based services, leading to longer waitlists, fewer services, and increased institutionalization for individuals with I/DD.
  • Further destabilize the disability services workforce, making it harder for providers to meet the growing needs of their communities.
  • Put 14.9 million Californians covered by Medi-Cal at risk, which includes 2.2 million seniors and people with disabilities 

How will Medicaid cuts impact Easterseals Southern California’s services?

Easterseals provides services to 25,000 children and adults, the majority of whom are people with I/DD, including Adult Day Services, Living Options, Employment Services, Autism Services, and more. If Medi-Cal funding is cut, this will drastically reduce Regional Center funding, which could restrict participant access to our services and cause further staffing shortages.

How can you help?

Our communities are at their best when all people, including people with disabilities, have the opportunity to develop skills, achieve greater independence, and successfully reach their goals. Medicaid enables community providers to support individuals with disabilities and helps contribute to a stronger America for everyone.

You can reject these harmful cuts to Medicaid funding by using your voice and sending a message to your US Representative. Visit to find your Senators and speak up today.