Southern California Wildfire Resources

Easterseals WorkFirst Transition Resources

Easterseals Southern California WorkFirst is sharing these resources to increase career planning, work pathways, job opportunities and employment outcomes for transition age youth. Click on the links below to learn more.

Agencies & Information  •  Financial Literacy Education    Financial Planning Support    Toolkit   •   Contact

ESSC WorkFirst is sharing resources and toolkits for students ages 14-25 and their families to assist with exploring options in higher education; career paths and blueprints; and financial literacy. Customized employment is engaged as a key strategy towards assisting participants to acquire a career path and/or become employed.

skillful master discussion with apprentice

Agencies & Information

Find information on the various policies, programs and services for transition to adulthood, employment and career paths, independent living, advocacy and economic self-sufficiency.

Autism Society of California

Regional Center of Orange County- Transition Planning Resources

CA Department of Rehabilitation Transition Partnership Programs

CA State Council on Developmental Disabilities

Disability Rights California

Social Security Youth Transition Demonstration

California Employment Consortium for Youth

CA Competitive Integrated Employment Blueprint

Griffin Hammis Associates

Implementation of Section 511

List of 14(c) Sub Minimum Wage Certificate Holders

Workforce Innovation Technical Assistance Center (WINTAC) Pre-Employment Transition Services

National Disability Rights Network

People First of California

Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE)

Soft Skills to Pay the Bills — Mastering Soft Skills for Workplace Success

Working Wardrobes

Clothes The Deal

US Department of Education Transition Guide

Teacher student computer tutorial

Financial Literacy Education

Discover resources to assist with education and understanding of various financial areas including social security benefits, work incentives, how work impacts benefits, personal finance, saving, borrowing, planning for the future and investing.

Bank of America Better Money Habits-Khan Academy

Credit Union of Southern California

Disability Benefits 101

GreenPath Financial Wellness

National Disability Institute AchievABLE Corner (CalABLE)

Project Independence

SparkPoint Financial Coaching & Resources

Financial Planning Support

Financial Planning Guide - Work and Get Ahead

Why Work Is Better

Apoyo de Planificación Financiera- Español

Recursos de planificación financiera

Preguntas frecuentes sobre planificación financiera y toma de decisiones

Guía de recursos de planificación financiera y toma de decisiones para padres y educadores

Guía de recursos de planificación financiera y toma de decisiones para jóvenes

¿Por qué el trabajo es mejor?

Hỗ trợ Kế hoạch Tài chính - Tiếng Việt

Các nguồn tài nguyên lập Kếhoạch Tài chính

Câu hỏi thường gặp về lập Kế hoạch Tài chính và Ra quyết định

Hướng dẫn lập Kế hoạch Tài chính và Ra quyết định cho Phụ huynh và Nhà giáo dục

Hướng dẫn lập Kế hoạch Tài chính và Raquyết định cho Người trẻ

Carpenter teaching apprentice


Planning Tools & Reading - Tools for education, practice and application of customized employment discovery, exploration, support and instruction to achieve employment outcomes.

Griffin Hammis Job Developers Handbook (Amazon)

Pre-Employment Skills Development Chart

Discovery Staging Record

Job Analysis Record

Job Carving-Cary Griffin

Job-Business Development Plan

LEAD Center Road to Inclusive Career Pathways

Self-Guided Discovery - Facilitator's Guide

Self-Directed Discovering Personal Genius Manual-Version 2

Thought Sauce-Griffin Hammis

Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community

The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference (Amazon)

Real Work For Real Play: A Self-Advocates Guide To Employment Policy Plain Language

Informed Choice ToolKit

Employment First Person-Centered Informed Choice Conversations

NPC-28b Self Advocacy Plan


Cary Griffin - the Guru himself

Stories of Customized Employment

Ashlea Lantz of Griffin Hammis - Digs Deeper into Discovery

Nancy Brooks Lane - Becoming a First Class Noticer and Documenting your Findings

Nancy Brooks Lane - Employer Engagement

Bottom Dollars Documentary (Rooted in Rights)

Teacher and student looking at a tablet


Contact Us

For more information about WorkFirst call us or submit a form.

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