The Easterseals Southern California Person-Centered Services Team regularly trains in Person-Centered Culture and Practices both internally and externally of Easterseals.
The Three-Part Person-Centered Culture and Practices Webinar Series Hosted by the California Association for Adult Day Services (CAADS) is postponed due to COVID-19. Please continue to check here for the new dates and times.
Part 1: A Journey Not a Destination: The Road to Person Centered Culture and Practices
Registration link:
April 29, 2020; 10:00 – 11:30 am Pacific Postponed. New date and time TBD
What are person-centered culture and practices (PCCP) and what does it look like in the adult day setting? Why are person-centered practices so important? Where to begin? This session introduces the six tenets of PCCP. Presenters will discuss ways to get started and how to identify barriers to getting started on your own unique PCCP journey.
Learning objectives
Objective 1: Identify the common myths about PCC and how to debunk them
Objective 2: Understand PCCP philosophy and core components
Objective 3: Recognize and overcome natural resistance to change
Objective 4: Identify your sense of urgency and how to take the first steps toward implementation
Part 2: Beyond Concepts; The Root of Person-Centered Culture
Registration link:
May 27, 2020; 10:00 – 11:30 am Pacific Postponed. New date and time TBD
Adult day and disability services providers across the U.S. are recognizing the need for best practices to achieve person centered services and culture change. However, providers are often unsure how to go about creating change among team members and people supported in their services. This session will explore a strategy for person-centered culture change and transformation that starts from the ground up. Learn why exploring and understanding your team’s diverse perspectives to cultivate and expand their person-centered attitudes is essential to the success of your culture change journey.
Learning objectives
Objective 1: Describe techniques to build and support a person-centered team that is diverse, innovative, and transformative.
Objective 2: Deepen understanding of person-centered concepts and the transformation process itself.
Objective 3: Learn practical ideas that can be adapted and implemented within any team.
Part 3: Empowering Personal Advocacy; Facilitating Person-Centered Planning Meetings
Registration link:
June 24, 2020; 10:00 – 11:30 am Pacific Postponed. New date and time TBD
The creation of authentic person-centered plans is dependent upon people feeling empowered to advocate for themselves, how they want to spend their days and the dreams they have for their lives. We are allies in their advocacy, and as facilitators of planning meetings it is necessary to ensure that peoples voices are heard. It is our responsibility to consistently role-model a person-centered process; one in which the person is not only considered at the center of the plan, but is the driver and executor of the plan. Join us to learn action steps for authentic person-centered planning, including educating loved ones, caregivers and community on person-centered concepts and the importance of personal advocacy.
Learning objectives
Objective 1: Describe techniques to build and support a person-centered team that is diverse, innovative, and transformative.
Objective 2: Deepen understanding of person-centered concepts and the transformation process itself.
Objective 3: Learn practical ideas that can be adapted and implemented within any team.