Resources for Families & Staff During COVID-19 Quarantine
COVID-19 Vaccine Information
Click on a Category Below to View Resources

Communication & Assistive Technology

Behavior Supports

Speech & Language Supports

Occupational Therapy Supports

Arts & Crafts Activity Ideas

Movement & Social Activity Ideas

Educational Activity Ideas

Coping with COVID-19

Financial Relief
These links are being provided as a convenience and a resource for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by Easterseals Southern California of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporations or organizations or individuals. Easterseals Southern California bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the materials or of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.
Return to In-Person Services
Return to In-Person Services Letter
Communication & Assistive Technology
- Go Board Maker - Printable visuals to aide communication
- PECS USA - Free materials for using Picture Exchange Communication Systems (PECS)
- iTalkDoc - Free communication app to download to iOS or Android device
- AssistiveWare - Offering temporary licenses for Proloquo2go communication device software. Need to have an iPad running iOS 12.4 or later. Open to families and staff. Waiting list may occur.
- Talk to Me Technologies - Free communication boards and social stories
- Stay-Safe - Free access to apps for visually impaired, hearing impaired, and those with reading difficulty
- BeeLine Reader - Helps students with dyslexia, autism, and ADHD read on screen more effectively. Email to receive a free account.
Behavior Supports for Parents & Caregivers
Speech & Language Supports
Occupational Therapy Supports
Home Activity Ideas – Arts & Crafts
Free printable coloring pages and interactive online coloring:
Home Activity Ideas – Social Games & Movement
Activity ideas to stay engaged while at home:
Home Activity Ideas – Educational
Educational virtual tours of local zoos and state parks (An ESSC staff favorite resource!):
- - The Picture. This app, available for free on iOS and Android is a virtual card-matching memory game allows you to customize your own "flashcards" with educational content and exercise your memory recall skills all in one. Cover any subject from social studies to language arts, or math to science.
- - Short (i.e., 3 min) videos on various topics and then asks the student multiple choice questions about the content. If the student doesn’t pass, they have to re-watch the video. Its designed for academics, but also has many videos in the special education section on topics like social skills, safety, and life skills. Its free to sign up, but it asks you for a school name. Can enter “Easterseals” as school name
- - Requires Adobe Flashplayer. Interactive games aimed at teaching independent living skills to children with autism.
- - Online matching game
- - Website to create flashcard decks and educational games. Provides a free trial account. Not supported in Internet Explorer.
- - Interactive stories and academic games
- - Online academic games by grade level, including Pre-K
- Large library of children’s books. Free for 30 days.
- - Learning projects by grade level
- - Free printable educational worksheets arranged by grade or subject
- - Web-based lessons for Pre-K through second grade that integrate movement into academics
- - Free access to digital learning platforms: ABCMouse, Adventure Academy, and ReadingIQ
- Task Online Resources for Parents - List of sites and resources to support academic instruction at home. Many free or discounted options.
- The Cal OES Office of Access and Functional Needs (OAFN) revised AFN Library - Relevant and up-to-date materials, topics, and resources.
Helping Children & Families Cope with COVID-19
COVID-19 Testing Resources
If you would like to get a COVID-19 test, resources by county are listed below.
You can also refer to this CDC link for general testing information.
Recommended strategies for parents to reduce the impact of the Coronavirus outbreak on their children:
Free e-books about COVID-19; multiple languages available:
Handy Handouts with tips on how to discuss news and current events with your child:
Online articles with suggestions on how to structure days spent at home, links to additional resources for learning about COVID-19, home school, routines/schedules, stress and mental health, state level resources, and ongoing support services:
Strategies for adults to support their own well-being during crisis:
Articles and webinar summaries providing information about accessing Special Education services during school shut downs and stay at home orders:
Financial Relief & Support with Basic Needs
- Food Bank Guide - List of Food Banks in Southern California
- Project Room Key - State of California provides hotel vouchers to asymptomatic homeless individuals who are high risk for COVID-19 for up to 3 months to keep them healthy
- Food and Financial Assistance Services in Los Angeles (San Gabriel region) - List of services and contact information for Catholic Charities of Log Angeles
- Shower Sites in Los Angeles - List of shower sites in Los Angeles area that also have food service
- Food and Grocery Distribution Sites in Los Angeles and Riverside Counties - List of meal and grocery distributions programs in Pasadena, Irwindale, Pomona, San Gabriel, Glendora, and Monrovia
- The Rebound San Diego - San Diego resource regarding employment, food banks, health, child care, and housing
- San Diego Rent Information, San Diego COVID-19 Rental Assistance - Resources from the Economic Crisis and Response Team from San Diego State University that could benefit individuals experiencing housing and financial insecurity