The Lily Pad at Easterseals West Kentucky is designed to give children who are medically fragile quality medical care in the least restrictive environment possible. For parents of children with complex medical needs, the challenge of finding quality child care can be overwhelming. For many of these parents, leaving the workforce is not an option. They need income and health care benefits to help offset the costs associated with caring for a child with complex medical conditions.
At The Lily Pad, children with complex medical conditions can play and learn with other kids in a safe nurturing environment freeing their parents to work and/or attend school. The Lily Pad’s inclusive day health program will provide a Protocol of Care that includes: medical, nursing, psychosocial, developmental, and educational therapies. Prominent Paducah pediatrician Dr. John Cecil is serving as the Lily Pad's consulting Medical Director and Madison Abell is our Interim Director of Nursing. In addition, The Lily Pad is staffed with RNs, CNAs and child developmental specialists. This group, along with each child’s primary care physician, works as a team to provide the best medical, developmental, and educational care possible for the child. Developmental services include a functional assessment including an individualized program plan to accommodate the child’s developmental needs. Self- care, communication skills, social skills, motor skills, pre academic areas, and play with toys/objects which are age appropriate are included in each child’s daily routine. The Lily Pad’s staffing ratio is 3:1.
The Lily Pad at Easterseals West Kentucky serves a maximum of 48 children, ages 0-20 (primarily 0-12), who have conditions ranging from asthma and diabetes to respiratory conditions, heart conditions, leukemia, etc. Children enrolled at The Lily Pad may be eligible to have program costs funded through Kentucky Medicaid, including two Managed Care Organizations. Other funding sources include private insurance and private pay. The Lily Pad is housed inside the Easter Seals West Kentucky Ethel Dubois Smith Child Development Center located at 801 N. 29th Street, in Paducah. The Child Development Center is a Kentucky All-Stars four-star rated daycare. The hours of operation are Monday through Friday 7:00 AM-5:30 PM.
Who to Refer:
Are you or someone you know looking for a position to help these little ones? Do you want to avoid overnight and weekend shifts? Use this link to apply for one of our open RN positions:
The Lily Pad at Easterseals West Kentucky can assist families in retaining independence, enable a parent the ability to return to work or school, broaden resources, improve quality of life, and renew hope.
Please call 270-444-9687 for more information about The Lily Pad at Easterseals West Kentucky.