Our Programs

A woman using a wheelchair and her daughter hugging her from behind. Both women are smiling for the camera.

The CRC provides respite resources, information and referrals to support family caregivers accessing respite services. The CRC also operates programs to further increase respite access and awareness across the state, serving all ages and all special healthcare needs.

  • Family Respite Voucher Program - Financial assistance for family caregivers with limited access to respite throughout Colorado
  • Grant Opportunities - Competitive RFP process for agencies to expand programming and services with grant funding
  • Respite Coalitions - Local professional networks to share resources and strategize to improve respite in their region
  • Respite Navigation Guide - A guide to help family caregivers and professionals navigate respite funding sources, compensation, and resources
  • Respite Care Task Force - State-funded initiative to conduct a caregiver survey, marketing campaign, evaluation of policy, and training core competencies
  • Educational Programs - Trainings, events, and other programs for family caregivers and professionals
  • CO Caregiving Awareness Campaign - A marketing campaign to raise awareness of family caregivers and make connections to resources
  • Online Resource Finder - An online search tool to help locate and discover local respite providers, trainings and events, and other resources throughout the state
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